Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Self-Disclosure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Self-Disclosure - Essay Example Sadness is expressed when one is in such condition as discouraged, gloomy depressed or downhearted. It is a difficult moment of every human being. Empathy is regarded when people have the ability and will for sensing people’s emotions that are accompanied by the capability to imagine what they think or feel (Spence, Fox, Golding & Daiches, 2012). It is expressed when one feel stressed when we detected another person’s fear or anxiety. Sympathy goes beyond one’s empathy since it is acknowledging another person’s emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance. Personally has been a victim of grapevine information. This is due to the fact that all human beings are front of informal person to person means of circulating information or gossip. Handling rapine information is a real challenge but when handled in a proper way cannot lead to fighting. The best way I can handle is through dialogue and understanding the root cause of the information, eventually the situation is contained leaving both parties satisfied (Spence, Fox, Golding & Daiches, 2012). Good moral values guide me to control expressing my emotions to any other person except in the circumstance when in depression. I have spent some time without expressing my emotions. It was last during a session when I was given an opportunity to represent my institutions in competition and was ranked the best; it was a moment of great joy for my life. I felt like it was like a turning point my

Monday, October 28, 2019

Human Rights and Health Concerns Essay Example for Free

Human Rights and Health Concerns Essay Abortion is a controversial issue that opens allows for a large field of topics. These can run the gamut from moral to legal. Below are just a few examples that could assist in narrowing the scope of abortion. Note that there are many more areas that could narrow this subject and give you a better idea on the kinds of questions to ask. Legal Moral Women Rights Health Concerns to Women This is also a good idea for any other issue or subject you encounter in your academic writing career. It helps to narrow anything you come across as most topics or subjects an instructor gives you will be broad on purpose. The reason for this is encourage you to think about the subject and research it. Take the issue or subject and whittle it down into specific topics or areas. Whittle those topics or areas into specific questions. We’ll move on to the second one next. Ask yourself questions about the subject or topic. If asking questions about the narrowed topic seems too†¦narrow, ask questions of the greater subject. Why abortion is considered cruel? Why do anti-abortion factions consider abortion murder? What are the laws and opinions on abortion in other countries and how do they vary from the US (or your country)? What are the costs of Planned Parenthood? Women’s rights and abortion. What health concerns does abortion pose to women? Extremism groups and abortion. The history of abortion in the US (or your country). Government’s role or lack of a role in abortion. What are the moral concerns about abortion? Even though this article is mainly to cover writing prompts, we’ll give you a refresher on developing a thesis statement with the question. It’s not complex and there are several different outcomes you could get from only one question.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

Apollo 13 experiences major malfunctions which end up changing the mission from landing on the moon to now just trying to return to earth with all of the crew still alive. This movie illustrates how the leaders can develop a new vision and values, and how the team can come together and collaborate under high stress situations. Their vision changes from landing the astronauts on the moon to just getting the astronauts back to earth safely when there is an unexpected explosion in the service module. Even under a ridiculous amount of pressure, the crew was able to communicate efficiently and use their decision making skills to help solve the problem effectively. Apollo 13 is all about how their team effort and leadership skills come together to overcome what they thought would be a horrifying ending. Gene Kranz who was the flight director and in charge of the mission control team, developed a set of values; discipline, morale, toughness, competence, commitment, and team work to approach the situation. These set of values helped build the chemistry that kept them together during all of the different difficulties that had to face and helped the reach success in the end. For every seemingly impossible situation, Mr. Kranz gives new liveliness and vision to the team by his response always being â€Å"we need to find a way to make it work.† His leadership focuses on path goal theory. During his meetings when they were trying to develop a re-entry plan, he was only worried about making sure they were taking the right steps to bring the astronauts back safely. He explains to his colleagues what the proposals are, considers new thoughts, and is very supportive of everyone’s ideas. He clarifies the main goal and uses his relationship with everyon... ... go well and end safely. Marilyn displays personal integrity when she demands to know what is going on with the mission after she sees the news report on TV. She shows self-confidence when she calls and demands to know what’s going on and is will not hang up until she gets answers. During the whole situation she holds herself together under all of the stress, showing her emotional maturity. Gene Kranz and Jim Lovell are the main people who show how a leader is able to influence and lead the team when an unexpected situation occurs. When they’re having to face issues, conflicts, and achieving goals, making sure that your crew is focused is very important. No matter what pressure or conflict they were dealing with, they were able to make decisions fast and effectively. The leadership and team structure were the main reasons behind the ground team’s incredible work.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Polygraph Research

Christopher Langford Writing II T-Th 930-1045 Writing Assignment 2 Polygraph I began my research thinking I wanted to find out where we were today in our advancement of the lie detector machine and its accuracy. There was a time it was heard of often and considered quite controversial in its legitimacy. My research took me on a different journey then I had expected. A journey discovering that the Polygraph Machine is not only just as controversial today as ever, but also that there appears to be behind the controversy then simply its technology. The Polygraph Machine was traditionally known for its use in lie detection within law enforcement.So I began my search in the Criminal Justice data base of our school library. I came across an interesting article, â€Å"The Truth Surrounding Lie Detection Technology†, written by Rebecca Kanable, a freelance writer specializing in law enforcement topics for the periodical Law Enforcement Technology. Her article, although informative of the details in how the polygraph machine works, what it detects physiologically, and why it might be considered inaccurate, revealed to me there may be more behind the controversial system then simply its technology.She would reference an important sounding entity called the APA (American Polygraph Association), explaining the APA founding, their development, and purpose. After discussing the APA and its extensive research and technology, another official sounding entity was introduced, the NAS (National Academy of Sciences). The NAS reported that contrary to the APA’s pride in their more than 80% accuracy in detecting deception, a majority of the research was unreliable, unscientific, and biased.The APA responded that the NAS findings were confined to a review of the research on polygraph testing in particular, and how it relates to personnel screening. The APA said the NAS relied on 57 of more than 1000 research studies available. The NAS in turn responded that a century of research in psychology and physiology provided little basis for expecting the polygraph test could have extremely high accuracy because the physiological responses are not uniquely related to deception only. At this oint a third entity was introduced, the NACVSA (National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysis), who also bashed the APA as a flawed method and flawed technology. They would tout how they were supported in agreement by the NITV (National Institute for Truth Verification), yet another official sounding entity. This back and forth seemed a bit odd, as though one or the other had an agenda. That is what redirected my research into whom these entities were, and who was considered more reliable for the truth about lie detection. First stop was the APA web site (APA. org).I discovered it was a profit driven business selling technology, instruments, research, and advanced training and education programs, as well as advertising their APA magazine. Their primary customer s were law enforcement, the legal community, and private sector security screening. It certainly was official, but only in the business sense. Ironically, in my search for the APA web site, it was paired with Antipolygraph. org web site. A location for message board discussions against the polygraph, most of which was specifically directed at the APA. I then moved on to the first entity contradicting the APA in Kanable’s article, the NAS.NASonline. org had nothing to sell, but rather a non profit society established by an act of congress signed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 and extended by President Woodrow Wilson charged with the mission of providing independent objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. It definitely carried some weight in legitimacy, but to be sure it was not a bias source about this topic, I search its site database for this particular topic, and although it spoke about the technology of the polygraph, it made no specific me ntion of the APA itself.I was unable to do the same of the APA site as you had to be a paying member to access their database. I felt the NAS response to the APA research was legitimate coinciding with their purpose. What about the NACVSA? It turns out they are a direct competitor of the APA. Upon arriving at the CVSA1. com web site, it was immediately obvious in their solicitation of CVSA software and training. Also solicited were funding assistance through grants from both Walmart and Target to purchase the technology. They tried to hide behind government looking signs and symbols to appear more â€Å"official†.They covered the bases offering insight of cases solved by their technology, who was using their technology, and the history of their technology. They would repeatedly indicate their direct support from the National Institute for Truth Verification. Of course this institute must be official and have a web site. A Google turned up nothing for the NITV, and any mention of them would link you to the CVSA1. com web site. An attempt at Wikipedia also only had them listed as a vendor and tied to the NACVSA.Returning to the CVSA1 website for further investigation, I noticed in small print in the corner the following, â€Å"the NITV is the manufacturer and sole source for the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer†. That certainly did explain their avid support of the CVSA technology. One last scroll through all the sites having mention of the NITV, I noticed a Government site with their mention. Eforia. bis. doc. gov. was a public posting of government documents from the department of commerce. It displayed 11 charges against the NITV of illegal exportation as a private business. So much for that.Realizing I only had information from either the biased private businesses of technology, or the seemingly unbiased sources of government documents and a science society founded by congress, I now wanted to find others with something to say about the polygraph . I went back to the school library database with a refinement for only magazines and newspapers. First was a eye catching title of an article in the Atlantic Monthly by Alan Berlow called â€Å"The Wrong Man†. I gave accounts of cases leading to the conviction and eventual carrying out of death sentences of what would turn out to be discovered as wrongful conviction down the road.The tie with the polygraph came in that the results of the polygraphs, although not admissible in court, did find in agreement with what resulted in their convictions, even in contradiction of there being no physical evidence. This article revealed why the DA in one of those cases was so adamant in ignoring the lack of evidence for guilt and continuing till a conviction. He had knowledge of, and was influenced by, the non admissible results of the polygraph. The Wall Street Journal offered opposite perspectives on the polygraph. In 2003, an Article by Sharon Begley called â€Å"Inertia, Hope, Moral ity, score TKO’s in Bouts with â€Å"Solid Science†.The dispute with the polygraph was no different then others but with her particular method and terminology of expression. The second Wall Street Journal article, â€Å"For The Polygraph Paradox; Lie Detectors Aren’t Perfect; But convicted Sex Offenders Concede, They May Be Good Enough†, by Laurie P. Cohen. Although alluding to a positive use for the polygraph in spite of its controversy, I doubted the weight of this perspective as the only source of data was that of those who were convicted. It has no opposite data of those who were not convicted.I didn’t take either article as being to far out of bounds as the Wall Street Journal is widely known as quite reputable, whether you agree with a particular article or not. So I then narrowed my search to the immediate locality, and took an article from the Telegram & Gazette. It was a General interest periodical in 1989 with no specific author. It was m erely stating a factual outcome of the Massachusetts Supreme Court having ruled the polygraph test as inadmissible in this state. My research into the polygraph, although somewhat informative about its accuracy, was far more revealing about the source of opinions about the polygraph.My research resulted in verification of exactly what the assignment intended. The need to investigate and verify the legitimacy of expressed information before accepting it as factual evidence of what you are researching. Annotated Bibliography Kanable, Rebecca. â€Å"The Truth Surrounding Lie Detection Technology. † Law Enforcement Technology, Aug 2010, Vol. 37 Issue 8 p60-67, An article that reveals the uses and allowances of the polygraph in our law enforcement system, legal system, and employment system. Barlow, Alan. â€Å"The Wrong Man† The Atlantic Monthly Nov. 1999 Vol. 84, Issue 5 p66-91 Article telling three separate stories of how the polygraph had an inappropriate influence on t he outcome of three murder trials. Begley, Sharon. â€Å"Inertia, Hope, Morality Score TKO’s in Bouts with ‘Solid Science’. † Wall Street Journal, N. Y. 6 June 2003 B. 1. AN anti polygraph writing reinforcing public opinion about the misuse Of the polygraph and its lack of agreeable legitimacy for use in trial court. Cohen, Laurie P. â€Å"The Polygraph Paradox; Lie Detectors Aren’t Perfect; But, Convicted Sex Offenders Concede, They May Be Good Enough. Wall Street Journal, N. Y. 22 Mar. 208 A. 1. This article explores a remote possibility of some positive outcome for polygraph use. Unfortunately it an opinion piece and purely based on speculation from a partial perspective. Court Rules Polygraph Test Not Admissible: Telegram & Gazette, [Worcester, MA. ] 12 Dec. 1989: C7 Globe Newspaper Company Inc. General Interest Periodicals – U. S. This newspaper clip is a simple statement of a judicial finding. American Polygraph Association www. polygr aph. org Update 2012This is a privately owned web site for the purpose of self promoting propaganda and solicitation of services. G. W. Maschke. c/o www. antipolygraph. org Copyright 2000-2013 A web site created for the purposes of providing a message board for those who want to explain there experience with the polygraph technology. Alternately used as a data collection point for anti polygraph propaganda. National Academy of Sciences www. nasonline. org Copyright 2013 A site for the release of information provided by the society of elected scholars for this organization that was created by congress to service humanity.National Association of Computerized Voice Stress Analysis www. cvsa1. com Copyright 2013 Another site for the solicitation of a product used for lie detection and the services this association can provide. Bureau of Industry and Security Export Enforcement BIS Public Affairs Aug. 2008 www. eforia. bis. doc. gov Just the simple display of actual court released docume nts about the 11 charges brought against the vendor NITV for the illegal export of lie detection devices to foreign governments.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

School Management Information Systems

IntroductionMyocardial infarctionA computing machine system designed to assist directors program and direct concern and operations. MIS pronounced as separate letters, MIS refer loosely to a computing machine -based system that provide directors with the tools for forming, measuring and expeditiously running their section s. in order to supply past nowadays and anticipation information, an MIS can include that helps in determination devising, informations resources such as that information of ware resources of system, system for do any determination, people direction and undertaking direction application and any computerized procedures that enable the section to run expeditiously. Within companies and big organisation, the section responsible for computing machine system is sometimes called the MIS section. Other name for include is information system. IT ( information engineering ) .SCHOOL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLSIntroductionThese yearss, which we describe information epoch as assorted technologic developments have been practiced ; the taking hazard that an organisation could obtain is to hang approximately tactless to alter. A batch of of import factors such as changeless developments in information engineerings, information exchange, and increasing and increasing the outlook of the society to a great extent, recent disposal perceptual experiences and applications cause organisations none over the universe to develop new applications during order to stay Every state aims to do available their citizens with the most existing instruction in the line of their pecuniary competency. In support of this ground, huge encompass been put into action all around the universe. Inside our state, excessively taken out within of the batting order, were prepared in conditions of in order engineerings and so activated. In committee preparation classs in relation to the usage of computing machine in following subdivision of the program that information engineering package are circulated to the 3.000 primary instruction schools merely about Turkey and instruction room access is established. As a consequence of developing 600 computing machine instructors, in-service instruction is designed for all the primary school inspectors working on the grazing land, and for at least 106.381 pedagogues shaped of directors and instructors of chief in larning will be ready in line with recent direction plansSchool Management Information SystemsBing at the commencement phase of the School Management Information Systems, mechanisation of the school direction is the necessary topic of today ‘s school direction. Principals have ongoing obtain domination in competitions by directing schemes. School direction in sequence systems aim to offer maintain for the managing and educational behaviour of the school directors by manus out information. Obtain domination in competitions by directing schemes. School direction in sequence systems aim to offer maintain for the managing and educational behaviour of the school directors by manus out information. Telem ( 1999 ) specify the direction information in his words as â€Å"an executive information system planned. Information systems sustain non merely information procedure but besides make the support in inventions. Since being correctable to different alterations, these systems are helpful to pull off with the burden for alteration. School directors can do more better and dependable determinations when they get rectify and up-to-date information by school executive information systems ( Christopher, 2003 ) . Option devising is careful as the bosom of educational direction and shows the significance. Every twenty-four hours, disputing fortunes that need determination devising are based on the complex and unannounced nature of school milieus. In add-on to this, directors have been necessary to do more and speedy determinations in short times because of the lifting chance from the educational system ( Christopher, 2003 ) . In add-on, determination devising become faster, more regular and more complicated in schools of in the present twenty-four hours. In order to do determinations under such state of affairs, taking and roll uping informations that is ceaseless, up-to-date and that can be accessed quickly and analysing and utilizing this information is a committedness. Success of school development surveies are often depends on informations based determination devising, though School direction information systems give information and a diverseness of studies from the database in order to data professionally in this side. increased school rules, supported determinations on the phase of control and planning, improved the power of learning plans, facilitated student-teacher communicating, enlarged the accomplishment between instructors, facilitated methodical and uninterrupted information transportation to parents, and increased communicating with more establishments and the cardinal organisation. Information systems were on a regular basis used in mundane work and directors and instructors did non hold adequate instruction on the system. Directors and instructors pointed that while school direction information systems had encouraging effects on appraisal of efficiency of the school, advancement of utilizing beginnings, high quality It is cleared as we can see communicating and information engineerings have increasingly more had a function on the behaviour of schools. During this epoch, a batch of things have been spooked and written about the significance of computing machines. The mock-up of this research, which targets to look and to calculate out thoughts of directors sing managerial information systems, is review theoretical account. ( MIS ) more frequently than non is everlasting. The categorization, on the other manus, consists of certain clerical informations that is obliging for a portion stage and either restructured or simple from the System as it becomes antique duologue sandwiched between Antitrust Division ( ATR ) and the province certification and proceedings way is long-lasting on the material of chronological proceedings and their temperament. point of you they required long clip information times gone by and easing do research on chronological affairs that connected to present affairs, Antitrust Division ( ATR ) expects invariably to be delighting to the oculus the consecutive statistics in this reservoir, rather than file awaying and taking it from the organisation. legal action and Judicial Activities– include activitiesAntimonopoly divider ( ATR ) Intranet, Appellate Docket System, , station and Complaint Tracking System, national Non-Merger Tracking System against the jurisprudence Case Sentencing agreement, , trade and industry Analysis Group Working designation, Field Office Matter Tracking System, Hart-Scott-Roding Tracking System, financially feasible scrutiny Group path System lawmaking Tracking System, subject Tracking construction. The of import mission-based information gave to MIS is conveying together, set aside, class, stored, and air as-is. MIS applications encompass dealing ground the information non comes foremost an affiliated start day of the month ) and distinct format ground digital numerical Numberss safety steps Number ) for institute and support in the sequence. The preponderance of the in sequence in the organisation in bend System Safety screensUser cogencyAs declare old, the system is limited for usage by the fiscal forces, so merely people from the Financial Control section. Besides, while its usage is merely finance exact, others sections have nil to make with it. Having said that, there are watchwords for the terminal users ; hence watchwords make certain safety and control.Physical entreePhysical entree is made limited by locked waiter suites, sign-in sheets, etc.Function securityDevelopers Register FunctionsDevelopers can necessitate parts of their Prophet Forms codification to look up an sole map name, and so take some action based on whether the map is accessible in the current duty.Developers registry maps. They can besides register consideration that passes values to a map. For illustration, a signifier may keep informations entry merely when a map consideration is passed to it.Normally, developers describe a bill of fare include all the maps accessible in an application ( i.e. , all the signifiers and their securable sub maps ) . For some applications, developers may specify extra bill of fare that restrict the application ‘s functionality by excluding specific signifiers and sub maps.As developers define bill of fare of maps, th ey typically group the sub maps of a signifier on a sub map bill of fare they associate with the signifier.Assumptions/Risk AssessmentPremises support the base of the solution. Premises includeLibrary houses a certain minimal figure of transcripts of the same book for interest of many borrowers.Library utilizations original books/CDs.Library does non rede users to copy CDs/DVDs onto their computing machines.Library restricts the most figure of borrow able points for different users.Library waiter runs a version of Windows runing system.Client systems support.NET Framework.User has basic computing machine cognition and knows how to search/find information in the cyberspace.User has a well-bred cyberspace speed to run the on-line solution.Functional SpecificationInitially when the solution is host in the waiter, decision maker histories are setup. These decision makers manage the waiter. First clip users can transport on with simple hunt but those who want to borrow books necessitate to sign-up for this installation. They can so sign-in anytime for seeking, borrowing or returning books. They can besides see their profile pages, history of their minutessEnd-to-end solutions ability We handle turnkey undertakings, and have built, managed and supported our clients IT systems crosswise the value concatenation — substructure, applications and concern procedures.This is how we work:A Customer Services ( CS ) unit designs and builds the IT substructure and web.A Systems Integration ( SI ) unit builds up applications and integrates them across diverse hardware and package platforms.Our IT-Enabled Services ( ITES ) unit manages developed applications and digitisation activities.Our Education and Training unit grant IT instruction and preparation to users.Wide sphere expertness and technological competencesWe have proven expertness in a broad scope of applications, includingReal-time systemson-line systemsentrenched systemsprocedure controloperation processingcontemplation processinginformations communicationsnetworkingparallel architectures,E-commerce engineerings and e-governance applications.Considerable resource pool with diverse accomplishment setWe attain t his with the aid of our resource pool of applied scientists trained in assorted engineerings, with immense sphere cognition and diverse accomplishment sets. With 3,718 workers, more than 21 % have more than ten old ages of work experience. We besides have a large capableness pool that works on emerging engineerings and competence countries. We have a unflawed educational profile ; every bit many as 30 % of our workers have postgraduate grades. We besides carry out considerable research into emerging engineerings and competency countries at our state-of-the-art, ISO 9001-certified R & A ; D Centre in Hyderabad, India. That is what gives us an perimeter in complex, high engineering undertakings. The Systems Integration Business Unit ‘s all four parts are at Level 5 ( optimising degree ) of the SEI ‘s Capability Maturity Model ( package ) .Healthy and Strong client relationshipsCMC ‘s client orientation and service civilization lead to digesting bonds with clients. Our diverse value proposition and service civilization, attached with our path record of winning service bringing, are reflected in our long-standing client relationships with dominant participants inUp stepManagement Information System ( MIS ) is presently being upgraded for web-based maps. The front-end will be ASP, and the database is being upgraded to Oracle 9i.Strong pointA enthusiastic group drawn from experts in H2O resources, irrigation direction, fluid mechanicss, and hydrology, works for the drawing, development and execution of the canal irrigation direction systemCMC has broad sphere cognition and apprehension of the process, policies every bit good as the operational and administrativ e direction composing and manner of irrigation sectionsExperienceTo plan, developed and implemented a Management Information System in India, funded by the World Bank.Feasibility surveiesFeasibility surveies to detect the functionalities required in an MIS, and to construct up a model for an information systemClient listIrrigation Department, Government of MaharashtraMaharashtra Krishna Valley Development Corporation ( MKVDC ) , PuneDepartment of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of IndiaDiscussionHarmonizing to the result of this survey which was sing the use of School Management Information Systems in primary schools and which mean to make up one's mind the point of views of the school directors associated to direction information systems, it was experienced that the figure of computing machines was non sufficient and there was merely one computing machine joined to Internet in about all of the schools. Besides, in a little f igure of of these schools, there was a web page of the school. Study which was conducted by the Pelgrum ( 2001 ) in 26 states and by Mentz and Mentz ( 2003 ) in the schools of South Africa, it was seen that one of the most common hurdlings of the applications of direction information systems was the inadequacy of the Numberss of the computing machines. Due to this ground, it can be said that there was an of import substructure job of the acknowledgment of school direction ‘s information systems in today ‘s schools. As Greg roseola stated ( 2004 ) the uniformity with technological betterments increased with the pattern of engineering. For that ground, it is mandatory to supply pedagogues chiefly school directors with sufficient technological opportunities to do them accept and travel with the betterments. The jobs encountered show the necessity that the applications of information system should be done in the range of a utile plan. Besides, there is a critical difference among the schools in footings of holding these engineerings. This unfairness makes us believe that there is some inequality connected to the use of these engineerings ‘ chances non merely for the director and instructors but besides for the pupils. This state of affairs shows that there is a possibility of coming face to face with the job which is discussed extensively and called â€Å"digital division† non merely countrywide but besides in the schools in the similar state. In add-on, it was seen that there are still some school directors and adjunct school directors who do n't hold a computing machine in their suites at the schools in the range of this survey. In the center of the school directors and adjunct school directors who have a computing machine in their suites, some of them use a computing machine without an Internet contact. Besides there are some schools whose instructors do non hold the chance of doing usage of the information engineerings. This is besides is seen that The Ministry of Education ‘s nonsubjective ( MEB, 2002 ) which is providing each staffroom with at least two computing machines ; providing counsel service, library, school directors with Internet entree in order to speak with the cardinal and provincial offices and besides for the pattern of direction has non been achieved yet.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on How Does The Death Of A Parent Affect A Child

Losing someone you love through death is one of the most traumatic experiences of anyone ¡Ã‚ ¦s life, especially if it is a parent. The way a parent ¡Ã‚ ¦s death affects a child depends on many different things including age, personality, strengths, and how the person died. No matter how it affects a person one thing is always true, the loss of a parent can change you forever. The most common effect of any type of death is depression. Depression is an unhappy and painful emotion that is caused by any type of sadness or disappointment. Almost everyone who has lost a loved one has experienced depression at one point or another in the grieving process. Depending on how serious it is depression can have many physical as well as mental side effects. Tension, anxiety, and nervousness are some common side effects due to depression. ( A more common effect is insomnia. Many people who are depressed go days at a time with out sleep. In many occasions their lack of sleep is due to a feeling of guilt. A lot of people blame death on themselves even though they know it is not their fault. When there is no explanation for something so horrible people start to worry. Most people do not like knowing that they cannot control when they die and when their loves ones die, so when it does happen they blame it on themselves.  ¡Ã‚ §If I only did this ¡Ã‚ ¨, or  ¡Ã‚ §If I only didn ¡Ã‚ ¦t do that they might still be alive. ¡Ã‚ ¨ This way of dealing with death can get someone very down on himself or herself. More often than not, the result of this is low self-esteem. ( A big percent of people of all ages and genders suffer from low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a mental  ¡Ã‚ §sickness ¡Ã‚ ¨ that makes you feel unworthy of everyone and everything else. Somebody who has low self-esteem always feels like they are not good enough for anything and everyone else is so much more important than them. They neve... Free Essays on How Does The Death Of A Parent Affect A Child Free Essays on How Does The Death Of A Parent Affect A Child Losing someone you love through death is one of the most traumatic experiences of anyone ¡Ã‚ ¦s life, especially if it is a parent. The way a parent ¡Ã‚ ¦s death affects a child depends on many different things including age, personality, strengths, and how the person died. No matter how it affects a person one thing is always true, the loss of a parent can change you forever. The most common effect of any type of death is depression. Depression is an unhappy and painful emotion that is caused by any type of sadness or disappointment. Almost everyone who has lost a loved one has experienced depression at one point or another in the grieving process. Depending on how serious it is depression can have many physical as well as mental side effects. Tension, anxiety, and nervousness are some common side effects due to depression. ( A more common effect is insomnia. Many people who are depressed go days at a time with out sleep. In many occasions their lack of sleep is due to a feeling of guilt. A lot of people blame death on themselves even though they know it is not their fault. When there is no explanation for something so horrible people start to worry. Most people do not like knowing that they cannot control when they die and when their loves ones die, so when it does happen they blame it on themselves.  ¡Ã‚ §If I only did this ¡Ã‚ ¨, or  ¡Ã‚ §If I only didn ¡Ã‚ ¦t do that they might still be alive. ¡Ã‚ ¨ This way of dealing with death can get someone very down on himself or herself. More often than not, the result of this is low self-esteem. ( A big percent of people of all ages and genders suffer from low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a mental  ¡Ã‚ §sickness ¡Ã‚ ¨ that makes you feel unworthy of everyone and everything else. Somebody who has low self-esteem always feels like they are not good enough for anything and everyone else is so much more important than them. They neve...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on SWOT Analysis - Sun Microsystems

I. CURRENT SITUATION A. Financial Performance – Sun Microsystems has managed to have at least 10% sales growth over the last several years. Net revenue in fiscal 1998 increased to $9.7 billion, or 13% compared to $8.6 billion in fiscal 1997. Sun has one of the strongest balance sheets in the industry, with $822 million in cash in the bank. Revenues grew an average of 34.1% annually between 1988 and 1998. Approximately 49% of the total revenue was generated from outside the United States. Its net income grew 41% annually on average over the same time period. B. Strategic Posture 1. Mission – enable customers to create breakaway business strategies by using their network computing products, solutions, and services. Allow individuals or entire organizations to access information from anywhere to anything on any device. 2. Objectives – Sun would like a networked computing future driven by the needs and choices of the customer. It is a vision in which every man, woman, and child has access to the collective planetary wisdom that resides on the network. 3. Strategies a. Putting its expertise in high performance system design enabled the company to lower the price of advanced workstations and graphics technologies. b. Reach the ultimate goal of harnessing the Internet to stop Microsoft from swallowing them. c. Break Microsoft’s cash cow, Microsoft Office. d. Improve, change, and implement several new business practices, processes, and a series of related information systems. e. Work extensively to transform Sun’s product line in order to capitalize on networking. 4. Policies – One of any Java licensee’s most significant contractual obligations was to pass the Java compatibility tests. These tests determine if a licensee’s technology conformed to the Java specifications and APIs. II. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE A. Board of Directors: Scott McNealy, the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Director’s at Sun... Free Essays on SWOT Analysis - Sun Microsystems Free Essays on SWOT Analysis - Sun Microsystems I. CURRENT SITUATION A. Financial Performance – Sun Microsystems has managed to have at least 10% sales growth over the last several years. Net revenue in fiscal 1998 increased to $9.7 billion, or 13% compared to $8.6 billion in fiscal 1997. Sun has one of the strongest balance sheets in the industry, with $822 million in cash in the bank. Revenues grew an average of 34.1% annually between 1988 and 1998. Approximately 49% of the total revenue was generated from outside the United States. Its net income grew 41% annually on average over the same time period. B. Strategic Posture 1. Mission – enable customers to create breakaway business strategies by using their network computing products, solutions, and services. Allow individuals or entire organizations to access information from anywhere to anything on any device. 2. Objectives – Sun would like a networked computing future driven by the needs and choices of the customer. It is a vision in which every man, woman, and child has access to the collective planetary wisdom that resides on the network. 3. Strategies a. Putting its expertise in high performance system design enabled the company to lower the price of advanced workstations and graphics technologies. b. Reach the ultimate goal of harnessing the Internet to stop Microsoft from swallowing them. c. Break Microsoft’s cash cow, Microsoft Office. d. Improve, change, and implement several new business practices, processes, and a series of related information systems. e. Work extensively to transform Sun’s product line in order to capitalize on networking. 4. Policies – One of any Java licensee’s most significant contractual obligations was to pass the Java compatibility tests. These tests determine if a licensee’s technology conformed to the Java specifications and APIs. II. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE A. Board of Directors: Scott McNealy, the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Director’s at Sun...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Watch Television Get Paid to Write About it!

Watch Television Get Paid to Write About it! Love television? Did you know you could make money writing about it? You can make a steady income that’s residual, much like royalties, and there’s also the option of getting paid per article or even becoming a staff writer. I write for This site has thousands of writers, but not all of them get paid. There’s a vetting process, but passing it gets you started to earning money per every thousand views you get. And once you’re a verified creator, Movie Pilot’s editors actually help you get more views! This site thrives on science fiction and fantasy shows like Game of Thrones, Arrow, and Vampire Diaries and movies like Star Trek Beyond and Suicide Squad. They also have a big superhero following. CinemaBlend offers a wider array of topics, including TV show recapper and reviews. Though an older post indicated they are always looking for writers, they now post their job openings, which includes writers, here when they have some available. FanSided is the site that owns, a site dedicated to all things television. This site has a lot more flexibility when it comes to television topics, and they are actively looking for paid contributors. You’ll have to fill out a Writer’s Application to get started. Screen Rant is another option, but it requires writers that will write about casting calls and television news rather than just the shows themselves. They have part-time positions, and according to the site, the pay is good. And finally, BuddyTV seeks contributors as well. They have different options available, but several are for writers able to write twenty to thirty pieces a week.  If you’re interested in applying, you will need to write at least two articles about television or movies to submit as they like to know your style.  BuddyTV also posts openings at Pro Blogger. The sites will help you grow your audience and share your articles with the world, and some fortunate writers get their posts shared So say, for instance, you write vampire romance and love The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. The connection to your readers is evident, and you have more to share with them! Sure you could post your comments on your blog, but why not post it where you can earn money? It really is a win-win situation. Along with getting paid, you can build up an audience of fans. It will help new readers find you, and you will tap into a network of millions of fans who may not know anything about you yet. So if you love television, considering writing for the fans and pocketing some cash as you add readers to your platform.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Negotiations in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Negotiations in China - Essay Example Kam-hon, Yang and Graham (2006, p. 623) say that family orientation is a very important value in the Chinese culture. This is demonstrated by the fact that Tom and his team were bombarded with questions about their family and personal lives. The fact that Barb Morgan was divorced must have portrayed a negative picture on the team. Because the Chinese value family bond they are usually more interested in personal information on business partners. The value of interpersonal relationships in the Chinese culture shows that the American negotiation team should have been more interested in socializing with the Chinese and make friends with them instead of paying more attention to the formal business negotiation process. Woo, Wilson and Liu assert that the Confucianism theory further explains the cultural basis of Chinese behavior as being motivated by the high values that the Chinese put into hierarchy and seniority. As a result, male business partners are considered more important in busi ness negotiations. In the Chinese culture men are considered more significant than their female counterparts and for this reason, men occupy most of the senior managerial positions in business organizations. The issue of seniority and gender in business culture is illustrated by the fact that the Motosuzhou Team talks with Barb Morgan while their eye contact was focused on Tom Sherman and Mark Porters because they were male and their opinion was thus considered of more value by the Chinese than that of Barb Morgan. This ruined the relationship of Morgan with the Chinese later during the negotiations and hence showed a negative image on the team by the Chinese who value good relationships. The American culture is very different from the Chinese culture as explained by Al-Khatib, Vollmers and Liu (2007, p. 84). Firstly, the Americans value formal relationships in business negotiations and activities and personal relationships are not considered necessary in doing business. On the othe r hand the Chinese consider business negotiations as personal interaction rather than interaction between companies or business firms. Because of these differences in culture the Electrowide team viewed the negotiations as two companies trying to strike a deal while the Chinese viewed the process as relationships between individuals. These differences must have caused disharmony between the Americans and the Chinese and hence contributed to the eventual failure of the negotiation process which was aimed at creating a joint business venture. Kam-hon, Yang and Graham (2006, p. 625) add that the western culture does not uphold physical expressions such as handshakes while the Chinese value physical expressions because they act as a sign of appreciation and respect. Question 2 According to Graham & Lam (2003, p. 82) strategic corporate plans of a company are crucial to the management decision of two companies which are trying to negotiate for a joint venture. Therefore, lack of compatib ility in two companies whi

Explain and evaluate three different theories of leadership. What does Research Paper

Explain and evaluate three different theories of leadership. What does the emergence of on leaders as 'corporate psychopaths' contribute to the discussion - Research Paper Example Other theories take pride in being inclusive by incorporating essential factors like contingency. Others theories have a narrow focus on leadership by concentrating on the causes and effects of the leader attribution processes on subordinates and followers. Others theories examine on the wider array of leadership functions, expounding on production and worker satisfaction and the need for external alignment and organisational change (Waite, 2008). This study focuses on three theories of leadership namely great man theories, skills theories approach and relational theories. Great man theories of leadership trait theories are the oldest of all concepts that seeks to explain leadership. The earliest leadership studies assumed the notion that leaders were born and not made. Great man theories thought of leaders always as males with natural competencies of authority and influence. The trait theory reflects the first systematic efforts to study leadership to establish leadership traits, which made certain people great leaders. Military, political and social leaders’ traits like Indira Gandhi, napoleon Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln and Catherine the great were used to formulate the theory. The great men theory was challenged in the mid 20th century on the basis of universality of leadership qualities. One challenge on the theory held that there is no constant set of qualities that distinguished leaders from non-leaders. In addition, a person who had leadership attributes in one situation may not make a good leader in another. Further criticism held that individual attributes were largely associated with people’s perception of leadership (Outcalt, Faris, & McMahon, 2001). The trait leadership has gained fresh interest through the present prominence given on charismatic and visionary leadership. Charismatic leadership attracted fresh interest following the election of president Barrack Obama in 2008. Charismatic

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Segment from the film Finding Nemo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Segment from the film Finding Nemo - Essay Example Finding Nemo is one of the most successful animation film blockbusters. It was released in 2003 worldwide and took the entire world by surprise. Its stunning animation, the astounding undersea sceneries, Marlin Clownfish, Nemo (Marlin's son with one fin shorter than other), Dory the Regal Tang with short-term memory loss and all other characters won the heart of every animation film lover of all ages. The film presents a fully realized underwater world with bright & attractive colors and very natural dynamics - fish/tortoise movements, hydraulics, underwater illumination effects, rigid body dynamics (like the boat movement), underwater explosions, etc. The story structure is excellent with seamless connectivity among all scenes. The film is produced by Pixar Animation Studios & Walt Disney Pictures, written by Andrew Stanton, and directed by Lee Unkrich & Andrew Stanton. The film grossed about $864.62 million worldwide in 2003 which is one of the largest revenue any animation film ev er made. Pixar Animation Studios have many such successful 3D animation films at their credit. The primary process that they follow comprises of fourteen steps:- Story Idea is Pitched, Text Treatment is carried out, Storyboards are drawn (sketches), Voice recording is carried out, the virtual reels are created on the software, the artists create the look & feel, 3D Modeling is carried out, the sets are created (using computer graphics), the shots are laid, animations & behavioral aspects are added, the sets & characters are superimposed with appropriate shading, lighting of the scenes is carried out, the final computer data is rendered and finally, the finishing touches are carried out.. They were discussing their eggs when a barracuda attacked and killed Coral and ate all the eggs except one. The only egg that survived got partially damaged as a result of the attack and Marlin promises that he will never leave it - and named it as Nemo as per the wish of his wife before death. The following scene is the introduction of the film - by Pixar Animation Studios & Walt Disney Pictures.  

Leading in Service Neutrality' (Chick-fil-A) Essay

Leading in Service Neutrality' (Chick-fil-A) - Essay Example Our business has been embedded on the foundation reputation based on trust and confidence from our customers. Similarly, the historical good performance of our business has been enhanced by the emphasis on quality service provision to our customers. We therefore need to strengthen our reputation by endorsing a comprehensive code of ethics for our company. This will ensure that certain gaps in various aspects of service delivery are addressed effectively. Since the success of our business is reputation dependent, we have a responsibility of ensuring that our reputation is fully protected. We are demanded to carry out our underlying business with integrity and ensure that our actions conform to our customers’ expectations. The ultimate solution to this is the adoption of the code of conduct that will guide us in the achievement of our dream. The top management is committed to compliance to this code of ethics. The owners of Chick-fil-A have decided to adopt his code is to incorporate professional ethics in the daily activities of our company. Professional ethics ensures quality service provision, conducting business with utmost integrity and the ultimate treatment of our customers with respect they deserve. Consequently, the reputation of the business shall be enhanced. The code of ethics is thus intended to enhance the reputation of the business, a factor that acts as a prerequisite to the success of any profit making organization (Walker, 2008). Code of ethics is a document that clearly defines that accepted behavior of employees in an organization and the relationship that exist between the business and its external environment. The code of ethics outlines the acceptable behavior of the employees while serving the customers. It provides for the actions against employees who violate such set codes of ethics. Within the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thinking like an Economist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thinking like an Economist - Essay Example I believe that the ideas of Adam Smith are still relevant in our current world economy. It is irrefutable that only a few things changed over the century which implies that older ideas can still be applied in the present. This is even more applicable to social sciences like economics as the past dilemmas still haunt the policy and decision makers of today. The problem of maximizing public good is still a one of the greatest questions in the world economy which can be answered by the ideas of Smith. The relevance of the ideas of Smith can be seen on how governments are presently trying to deregulate industries and privatize some previously government owned corporations. The countries doing this are coming to the realization that deregulation and privatization triggers a more competitive environment for industries and corporations alike, leading to more efficient operations. It is also notable that these processes ensure that the true value of goods and services in the economy is reflected in the pricing system as subsidies are now removed. Deregulation and privatization also significantly improves the overall efficiency in corporations' operations thereby maximizing producer surplus. When producers pass this in the form of lower prices, consumer surplus is maximized and the overall economy profits. One of the best examples to illustrate Adam Smith's concept of "invisible hand" is fr

Overworked Hospital Staff Versus Patient Safety Essay

Overworked Hospital Staff Versus Patient Safety - Essay Example What has changed is that there are tremendous cases of clinical failures that put patients' life at risk. But what could be the cause of this problem One major cause is due to overworked medical staffs. The quality of service for patients is the major importance in the he alth care industry. It is important to consider how working conditions affect medical staffs and the result is risks of errors. How work hours and work staffing affect the quality of care It is believed that overworked staff is the leading cause of medical errors in hospitals, while most staffs worked from eight to 12- hour shifts, some work for longer hours. According to an article of AMA "Hospital mistakes which sometimes end in death are the result of overworked medical staff. It was important to support the medical and nursing staffs who are striving for excellence and quality." Even an experienced health care staff may face significant effects on the safety and quality of care they provide to patients. Including also the effect of factors such as fatigue, shift work, and sleep deprivation. "The quality of patient care may be affected by a failure of will wherein the provider knows what care should be provided, but the will to provide care is hampered by fatigue and sleep deprivation." (Robins, 1995). ... "The likelihood of making an error increased with longer work hours and was three times higher when nurses worked shifts lasting 12.5 hours or more." (Hobson, 2004). The average working hours for a week has an average of no more than 80 hours. But according to a 1998 survey in New York State demonstrated that staffs performed 85 hours a week to more than 95 hours. Possible error cases were observed during these long working hours. For instance, due to overwork of medical staffs they experienced fatigue and sleep deprivation during their duties, cases of giving wrong medication and improper attention to patients are commonly published. That caused a patient from Lucena turned to coma and after a week died. Not giving enough attention to patients and staffs could lead of improper safety and could possibly risk each others lives. Some hospitals admit that they are understaffed that cause them to force to extend hours working. Low medical staffs can also affect the quality of service they produce. In addition to Hobson, "The widespread nursing shortage makes it difficult to avoid hospitals with overworked nursing staffs. And it isn't too reassuring that more than half the errors involved medication administration. However, there is growing awareness of the problem. The Institute of Medicine recently recommended that voluntary overtime be limited." The shortage of nurses became graver in significance at a time when the need for the development of new plans for utilization and new content of instruction was so apparent. According to Wiebe, "California struggles from medical staffs' shortage. Many parts of the country complain that hospitals are

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Thinking like an Economist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thinking like an Economist - Essay Example I believe that the ideas of Adam Smith are still relevant in our current world economy. It is irrefutable that only a few things changed over the century which implies that older ideas can still be applied in the present. This is even more applicable to social sciences like economics as the past dilemmas still haunt the policy and decision makers of today. The problem of maximizing public good is still a one of the greatest questions in the world economy which can be answered by the ideas of Smith. The relevance of the ideas of Smith can be seen on how governments are presently trying to deregulate industries and privatize some previously government owned corporations. The countries doing this are coming to the realization that deregulation and privatization triggers a more competitive environment for industries and corporations alike, leading to more efficient operations. It is also notable that these processes ensure that the true value of goods and services in the economy is reflected in the pricing system as subsidies are now removed. Deregulation and privatization also significantly improves the overall efficiency in corporations' operations thereby maximizing producer surplus. When producers pass this in the form of lower prices, consumer surplus is maximized and the overall economy profits. One of the best examples to illustrate Adam Smith's concept of "invisible hand" is fr

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

American History I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American History I - Essay Example It is through religion that the blacks found a tool of enduring enslavement with their dignity still intact. Religion strengthened their belief that they will get their freedom. Other worshippers, however, felt that the whites became sent by God, to deliver them from their bondage. Through this, they became more loyal to the slave masters. Family was significant to the enslaved people. Family allowed the male slaves is more than a working beast. It gave him the opportunity of being a father, and also a husband. Women became allowed to be mothers and wives, and to take on responsibilities different from their slave duties (Stanley, 2000). Even though, on one hand the masters wanted these families since they wanted slaves to reproduce, they allowed for a whole new generation, to develop. Families weakened slavery because it is out of families that communities’ grew these turned out to be a world that the slave master never knew about, leading to easy riots and ganging up against slavery (Stanley, 2000). While region did both weaken and strengthened the institution of slavery, family weakened the institution completely. Families became able to plot on how to gang up against the masters without their knowledge. Slave leaders found it easier to pass information through families rather than holding public gatherings (Stanley,

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Abortion Debate Essay Example for Free

The Abortion Debate Essay The history of the abortion debate has continued for decades. In today’s society the topic is very demanding and controversial. Prolifer’s as the name proceeds, frame the debate as the right to life for the baby. Individuals who are for Pro-choice may or may not address whether the fetus is in fact a life, and frame the debate in terms of woman having the right to choose what’s best for their bodies without worrying about the government getting involved. In the following paper I will illustrate and discuss the following questions. 1.My personal opinion on the debate 2.The impact of the infamous Roe vs. Wade case 3.A firsthand view of the after effects for those who choose abortion. Abortion is defined as the Termination of pregnancy, and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. Abortion challenges a variety of external and moral issues. Much of the debate over abortion tends to place emphasis on the issue of rights – specifically whether a woman’s rights to an abortion outweigh a fetus’s rights to life. Whether she is pro-life or pro-choice both sides rely heavily on legal, scientific, and human right arguments to support their arguments. Growing up I was against abortion. I completely condemned it, when you live in a two –parent church going home the Ten Commandments seem to become apart of your everyday life. I would soon find out that judging individuals for the choices they make would come back to hunt me. It is necessary for you to look at the pros and con’s of both a pro-lifer’s stand point and a pro- choicer’s stand point. It has been a proven fact that while, most individuals that oppose abortion, they would do very differently if put in an uncompromising situation. For example let’s take the individuals who stand in front of abortion clinics and rant about the individuals going into the clinics. While taking a journalism class in my last year of high school, my assignment was to get the viewpoint of someone who opposed abortion and why. I traveled to Gainesville, Fla and was blessed to get the chance to speak to Amanda Givens. Amanda was an activist for an organization that’s mission was to deter individuals from having abortions. Amanda was very strong minded on the opinion and during the interview she would take the time to chant out things such as â€Å" Murder† â€Å" Low Life† and the infamous â€Å" Your going to burn in hell â€Å" quote. As I took in a deep breath Amanda advised me that life began at conception and these individuals were cold hearted murders, she even asked me to take pictures of them in which I refused due to the privacy. Although I was against abortion I didn’t know the reason that these ladies where seeking one so out of respect for them I didn’t ask because it was appropriate. Scientific studies show that conception starts at day fourteen of conception. With that being said is it valid to say that abortion is pre-meditated murder? Or is it considered immoral only if it doesn’t endanger the mother’s life. As I asked Amanda these questions she stayed calm but I knew she was furious at the thought that second guessed her considering the circumstances behind it. Amanda finally replied â€Å" Listen these are innocent lives and I don’t care what reason you have a abortion It’s wrong and it’s damn murder† This interview took place December 2000, when I left I gave Amanda my cell and email address so that she could keep in touch and keep me posted on how successful her mission was coming along. Surprisingly two years later to my amazement Amanda had emailed me citing a urgent meeting and needing to speak with me about the mission, she even offered to make the three hour drive to meet up with me and assured me that what she had to say would be life changing. Of course I agreed but I was dumbfounded, I was thinking maybe she acquired my help on the mission, so we agreed to meet the following day at a local Star Bucks cafà ©. I sat patiently drinking my freshly brewed coffee when Amanda pulled up in her freshly was Honda Accord looking nothing less than fabulous. I greeted her with a hug and a smile, but something wasn’t right, her demeanor for some odd reason was different and I was anxious to hear the news she had for me. I ordered her a cup of coffee and we began to catch up where we left off in Florida. Before I could ask about the mission Amanda told me that she was no longer against abortion. I stood up in astonishment as she told me to have a seat I was amazed at what she said next. She began to tell me it was a Thursday night and it was her turn to gather the signs and brochures for the next day‘s rally, she was excited that she had deterred two teens from abortion and was ready to go home and celebrate. As she walked back to her car, (by this time Amanda had started crying and I became real suspicious of what was to come). She had left the most vital part of her story out so she insisted that she start over, earlier that week she had made the acquaintance of a African American man that informed her that God had sent him to her to help out with the mission surprised as she was she advised him to be there at 7:00am to help set-up because the clinic opened up at 8:00 am. The man whom said his name was Charles was there bright and early talking teens out of abortions and doing a marvelous job of even helping adults making decisions. Amanda said she felt like this was what her mission was missing. To Amanda’s shock Charles never came back again until, a week later on the night in question. Amanda said while she was walking back to her car with a handful of signs a familiar face dragged her by her hair into the bushes and proceeded to rape her It Was Charles! Amanda said she cried to God and whoever could hear her for help but as dark as it was no one could hear her. After Charles was done raping Amanda he ran off into the night. Amanda noticed that Charles didn’t have protection on and that she had, semen leaking from her vagina. After contacting police Amanda laid there praying that she wouldn’t get pregnant and that her new husband of four months wouldn’t find out. Unfortunately Amanda said her prayer went unanswered and weeks later she found out that she was pregnant, she insisted that her only option to saving her marriage was to take a trip to Columbus, GA and have an abortion. Amanda insisted that the decision was based mainly to save her marriage and to keep her family from disowning her for having an interracial baby. Amanda says that while having an abortion was the hardest thing that she has ever done, it literally saved her life. She admits that without the abortion that she would have committed suicide than to live the existence of what was growing inside of her. In conclusion Amanda states that although she still feels abortions are wrong, women should have the option of making the decision themselves privately rather deal with rallies like that of Amanda took part in publically. On the way out the door Amanda said something to me that I will never forget â€Å" The best prayers are unanswered ones† Amanda hoped that her story would change my mind on how I felt about abortions and realize that you cant make a generalization about another individuals decisions until you have experienced it firsthand yourself. The Roe vs. Wade case is known to date as the most legendary abortion case in the world cases like this made it possible for individuals in situations like Amanda’s and those with other circumstances to make decisions for themselves without the governments say so . According to Alters (2010) â€Å"Thirty Year’s later congress has passed the Partial birth abortion ban act of 2003, president bush signed it into law, becoming the first president to ever place a federal ban on abortion (p.133 para 2). Although the Roe vs. Wade case wasn’t established until two years after Jane Doe had her baby, it was the landmark case known to day in all high school and college text books and around the country. The more that Americans understand this case the more they regard it as illegitimate. While people have realized the act of abortion on certain grounds should be legal. In some cases you will find individuals that feel like Amanda felt and feel as though abortion is wrong on all grounds. According to Morgentaler (2001) â€Å"Abortion is an act that corrupts national morality and harms women by encouraging irresponsible and predatory male behavior. More importantly a woman’s right to an abortion ignores the rights of the unborn child- and individual should be legally protected (p 321). While both the prolife and pro choice side has equal substantial debates from listening to Amanda’s situation I am now for abortion although I feel that granted the circumstances unless rape, or endangerment to the mother there are enough contraceptives and knowledge circulating that you should know how to refrain from getting pregnant.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essays --

It is no secret that in the decade after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, defense spending increased in the United States, but something that people are less aware of are the continued government efforts toward biodefense: protecting a country of more than 317 million people from the threat of biological warfare. In 2004, Congress passed the Project Bioshield Act. The aim of Project Bioshield was to create a market for medical products to be provided to the public at large in the event of bioterrorism. It called for more than 5 billion dollars to be used to purchase vaccines, over a 10-year period. (The White House, 2004). As we approach the 10-year mark of Project Bioshield, and consider all of the advancements in bioengineering and biotechnology that have occurred since then, it’s important to reflect but also to look forward into what the next decade of biodefense innovation might look like, and what ethical impacts it may have. According to a paper published by the Center for Bioethics at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (Loike and Fischbach, 2013), we face eight ethical challenges as our biodefense efforts increase. â€Å"1. Allocation of resources and personnel and cost benefit analysis. 2. Triage assessment. 3. Clinical testing of potential therapies or vaccines in young children and older adults. 4. Preventing unauthorized individuals from entering research laboratories. 5. Dual-use: publication of papers containing useful information that also could be used to create bioweapons. 6. Dual-use: curtailing the development of harmful technologies while promoting beneficial applications by scientists of these technologies. 7. Restriction of personal freedoms. 8. Allocation of ... ...lications of biodefense technology, of which biological engineers are at the heart of. Biological engineers have a triple role in biodefense: some develop biodefense technology; some find applications for new biodefense technology; all have an obligation to first and foremost protect the people. The first fundamental canon of the Code of Ethics for Engineers is that â€Å"Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public† (NSPE). Developing new biodefense technology fits in with this mission, but only if we also take care of the three ethical issues raised above: adequately testing new vaccines and medical products so that they do not pose risk to the user, showing care in publishing new technology that could be used in a harmful way, and promoting beneficial applications of such technology.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

It Takes a Thief :: Short Stories Stealing Burglary Essays

It Takes a Thief The thief moved slowly through the long stone hallway, not making a sound. He virtually clung to the grey walls, just another shadow in the dark. He paused for a moment, stretching every inch of his six foot frame, eyes and ears straining in the blackness. There it was again, the sound of sandaled feet echoing through the hall. Dropping down and touching the floor, he felt vibrations reverberating through the stone. And they were coming closer! He swore softly, and looked around quickly. Spotting a door, he hurriedly said a prayer to whatever god was willing to listen, and he stepped through it. He noted that he was in a large, empty candlelit room, but that was all he looked at for a moment. Breathing a sigh of relief, he wiped his brow and pushed back his shoulder length black hair, revealing a large, pointed ear. "You're getting to old for this Thronn," he whispered in the silence. Two hundred years. He was two hundred years old. That was really nothing but a pinch of salt in the life of an elf, but the constant pressures of his profession was starting to wear on him. Being a thief added a lot of stress to one's life. This job especially. Usually, he came out ahead, but not this time. His mouth quirked up in a cynical grin at the though of the mere two hundred gold that he was getting for this job. Raiding the castle of Lord Paraxel was not his idea of sane, not even his idea of insanity. But, he had needed the money at the time. He shook his head angrily and looked up. A lapse like that could easily cost him. Finally, his head clear, he scanned the room. It was bigger than he had originally thought and, he smiled, it was the very room he was looking for: the armory. Cabinets were in numerous places along the floor, and numerous weapons were hanging along the walls. Reaching into his belt pouch, he drew out a scroll that his employer had given him. He'd been told that when he was finished reading it, the weapon that glowed would be the one to take. He looked at the scroll with revulsion. He never had liked magic very much, even though he'd always had a way with it. Suddenly, with a flick of his wrist, a dagger appeared in his right hand. It Takes a Thief :: Short Stories Stealing Burglary Essays It Takes a Thief The thief moved slowly through the long stone hallway, not making a sound. He virtually clung to the grey walls, just another shadow in the dark. He paused for a moment, stretching every inch of his six foot frame, eyes and ears straining in the blackness. There it was again, the sound of sandaled feet echoing through the hall. Dropping down and touching the floor, he felt vibrations reverberating through the stone. And they were coming closer! He swore softly, and looked around quickly. Spotting a door, he hurriedly said a prayer to whatever god was willing to listen, and he stepped through it. He noted that he was in a large, empty candlelit room, but that was all he looked at for a moment. Breathing a sigh of relief, he wiped his brow and pushed back his shoulder length black hair, revealing a large, pointed ear. "You're getting to old for this Thronn," he whispered in the silence. Two hundred years. He was two hundred years old. That was really nothing but a pinch of salt in the life of an elf, but the constant pressures of his profession was starting to wear on him. Being a thief added a lot of stress to one's life. This job especially. Usually, he came out ahead, but not this time. His mouth quirked up in a cynical grin at the though of the mere two hundred gold that he was getting for this job. Raiding the castle of Lord Paraxel was not his idea of sane, not even his idea of insanity. But, he had needed the money at the time. He shook his head angrily and looked up. A lapse like that could easily cost him. Finally, his head clear, he scanned the room. It was bigger than he had originally thought and, he smiled, it was the very room he was looking for: the armory. Cabinets were in numerous places along the floor, and numerous weapons were hanging along the walls. Reaching into his belt pouch, he drew out a scroll that his employer had given him. He'd been told that when he was finished reading it, the weapon that glowed would be the one to take. He looked at the scroll with revulsion. He never had liked magic very much, even though he'd always had a way with it. Suddenly, with a flick of his wrist, a dagger appeared in his right hand.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cemex Case Study Analysis

Global Competitive Strategies EXTERNAL ANALYSIS PESTEL ANALYSIS Political factors: -restriction and regulation of imports, exports and trade tariffs decide whether a company can compete globally: eg. GATT agreement in 1989, Mexico-open marketplace, enabled Cemex to expand globally. – governments may decide to nationalize or privatize the cement production; eg. Venezuela nationalized cement production. – political stability of a country will highly affect the performance of the industry Economic factors any firm in the industry is highly dependent on the economic performance of country/countries it operates in ( changes in expandable income, performance of firms within the country are affected). -emerging economies provide great opportunities for growth in the industry; expanding infrastructure. – fluctuating exchange rates also impact performance – rising costs of production and capital affect a firm’s competitiveness Social factors -Demographics: c an affect things such as the size of the labour force, the demand for housing, etc. all of which have an impact on the cement industry. Technological factors -The technology used in the production of cement is constantly evolving; innovations can impact cost and quality of products. -Innovations in technology of information systems have an impact on costs of distribution and provide added value for the consumers. Porter’s Five Forces (industry analysis)- The key determinant of a firm’s profitability is the attractiveness of the industry it operates in; 5 forces model assumes that industry attractiveness and the firm’s competitive position within the industry are influenced by 5 forces: 1. Entrance of new competitors: Barriers to entry are relatively high: a. High capital costs (capital requirements) + b. Low efficiency industry: the minimum efficiency level is aprox. 1 mil. tons a year + c. High transportation costs and logistics + – the benefits of generating economies of scale would be very high in the industry d. low product differentiation within the industry – -make global cement production fragmented, the four largest producers account for only 23% of overall demand e. the technology used in the production of cement is constantly changing; high R&D costs + f. ccess to distribution channels depends highly on the location of plants and resources; plants need to have competitive location + – if plants are near water distribution channels, the costs are significantly diminished 2. Bargaining power of buyers: a. Cement is very much considered a commodity or consumer product, variation depending on geographical region; buyer concentration is relat ively low, therefore buyer power is also lower. + b. Due to low supplier concentration and low product differentiation, buyer switching costs are relatively low and consumers are more price sensitive, which adds to the bargaining power of the buyers. the higher the bargaining power of the buyers/consumers, the lower the profitability of the industry) – c. Cement purchases tend to require a substantial amount of buyers’ income, therefore the performance of the industry is highly dependent on the economic welfare of the buyers and the performance of the economy in general. 3. Bargaining power of the supplier: a. Low concentration of suppliers means that suppliers have relatively low bargaining power – b. Low concentration of buyers means that buyer bargaining power is relatively low + 4. Rivalry a. Generally, supplier concentration in the industry is low; however, if you look at integrated cement production, suppliers are concentrated (aprox. 1500, out of which 4 are main global players). In terms of global players, rivalry is high. 5. Threat of substitutes a. Given the fact that cement is necessary for the construction industry and the development of infrastructure all over the world, it is unlikely that it will be substituted in the near future. Opportunities – huge growth potential in Mexico, due to demographics, attractive market characteristics and expected infrastructure development. Growth potential in all developing countries. – significant savings and less cash flow volatility as a result of cost synergies resulted from acquisitions such as RMC, Valenciana, Sanson and Southdown. †¢ Long-term growth markets: Cemex’s strategy is primarily focused on markets with highpotential for long-term expansion such as the US and Eastern Europe †¢ Cemex – Ready Mix USA joint venture: Cemex has the opportunity to consolidate its presence in the Southeastern region of the US through Ready Mix USA’s local management team and focus on customers Threats cement production is a very cyclical industry; highly depends on the economic performance of the country – increased competition from global players both on a national and global level. – Political instability: political instability in certain countries could have a negative impact on Cemex’s local operations †¢ Venezuelan nationalization: on April 3, 2008, the Venez uelan Government announced the nationalization of the local cement industry, aiming to take full operative control of cement producers in Venezuela through the acquisition of a participation within a range from 60% to 100% if required. On August 18, 2008, PDVSA, the state-owned Venezuelan oil monopoly, took operational control of Cemex Venezuela’s facilities. †¢ Higher exposure to the US market: as a result of the acquisition of Rinker, Cemex has strongly raised its exposition in the battered US building market †¢ Competition against major players: Cemex competes in its main markets with other world-class players such as Holcim and Lafarge †¢ Rising costs of basic inputs: increments in the price of energy (primarily electricity andnatural gas) have a direct negative impact on output and distribution costs. However,Cemex has implemented an alternative fuel program in order to improve its capacity toabsorb this type of fluctuations †¢ Risks associated to RMC integration: the incorporation of the RMC Group is the first integration of an international player into the structure of Cemex, which has to simultaneously coordinate new operations on a global scale mainly focused on ready-mix and aggregates, whereas cement has traditionally been Cemex’s core product. Global recession: in an international recessionary environment Cemex’s sales will be negatively impacted in its key markets INTERNAL ANALYSIS Core Competencies: -Production of cement is its core competency, but also good in the production of ready-mix concrete and aggregates. -Its ability to brand these products is a valuable asset and a sustained competitive advantage. Existing strategies and objectives Porter Four Generic Aquisition vs. Greenfield Cemex chose to enter foreign markets through acquisition rather than starting up greenfiled operation. The rationale behind this was that this strategy is cost effective and time saving. The estimated cost of acquisition for a cement multinational is much lower than building a new plant. Production and distribution systems are already in place and they are also acquiring the local management know-how which is both time efficient and cost effective way of entering a new market. Competitive Profile: how does the company match up against its competitors.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Parents Are the Best Teachers

Parents experience life with their children from the beginning of their lives. Hence, they have taught their children many lessons. They are definitely the first teachers of their children but they are not the best teachers. Firstly, parents are closest to their children so it’s difficult to teach their children strictly. For example, it’s time to do homework but their children don’t want to do so. They may wheedle their parents into letting them do it later. Parents always pamper their children so they permit them to do homework later. This increasingly spoils their children. Secondly, parents constantly shape their children interests to be similar to theirs. This makes their children difficult to develop their potential ability. For example, if the parents like music they may want their children to attend music class. Likewise, if the parents like art they may let their children attend art class. However, what if their children are interested in science? Last but not least, because of the differences of generation, parents’ points of view are somewhat narrower than their children’s. For example, their children want to go to some university which is far form their hometown in order to have more experience in live. In contrary, parents prefer their children to attend to university which is near their hometown because they think it is unsafe for them to live far form family. In conclusion, parents might be the good teachers but they are not the best ones. They can’t teach the children strictly, always tend to shape their interests and have the different points of view with their children. Fortunately, we have various teachers during our lives. Therefore, we can learn a lot from them They are also your guid they let you do what you want they also help ypu alot with yur studies and stuff they also make you food. and buy you clothes and whatever you want

Education vs. Non-Education Essay

There are two important stories called, â€Å"Front Seat Brahman† and â€Å"Teachers of Import† that have a common conflict. That common conflict is education vs. non-education. The character in â€Å"Front Seat Brahman† is Sushil Rao. He is from Bombay, India. The characters in â€Å"The Teachers of Import† are Amarel Collymore and Elke Walcher. Amarel is from Bridgetown, Barbados and Elke is from Austria. They all moved to Queens, New York for a particular reason. Sushil did not mention whether or not he went to elementary or high school. However, from the story it sounds like he took school lightly compared to Amarel and Elke. Sushil states, â€Å"I went away to agriculture college to learn how to be a farmer, but they made me dissect frogs in a botany class so I quite. So I enrolled in a philosophy college. A year later, my father died and I was kind of out of control. I quite college and became a traveling hippie† (Lehrer/ Sloan, 32). This proves that he did try to go to college, but was not dedicated enough to finish college. He thought there were better opportunities and prospects out in the world than just going to college. That was not the case for Amarel and Elke. Amarel was a college graduate and taught high school English. She had decades of teaching experience and decided to come to New York. Elke was also a college graduate and taught science. Both teachers came to teach in New York because there was a shortage of teachers and the New York City Board of Education was looking to recruit teachers from different countries. Amarel was not used to the student’s behavior the first week of classes. She states, â€Å"In Barbados, if a student acts up, they get put out the door right away. When I first started teaching here I thought the kids were raging all the time. Then I figured out its just normal for them to curse and swear† (Lehrer/ Sloan, 55). This shows the differences between the way students act in Barbados vs. America. I think American students, depending on the school though; have very low respect for their teachers compared to certain countries. Elke had a different experience. She said, â€Å"It’s a prejudice Europeans have against blacks anyways. The movies give the impression that all blacks are criminals and they all live in the Bronx. I couldn’t believe the class was half black. Most of the guys are wearing gang jackets and bandanas† (Lehrer/ Sloan, 59). This proves that Elke was in for a big surprise and they were not like the Austrian students that she was used to. Sushil was more of a spiritual person rather than educational. For example Sushil says, â€Å"You can live without food for days at a time. But water you need almost every four hours. Water is like diamonds. Our life depends on it† (Lehrer/ Sloan, 36)! People know they cannot live without water, but I have never heard anyone phrase is quite like that. This shows that Sushil is such a deep and meaningful man. Sushil has such a great view of life and appreciates it so much more than the average American. The two teachers and Sushil make the education vs. non-education conflict have some similarities and differences. The two teachers take such great pride in their work as teachers. Just as Sushil takes pride in sharing his stories with people, cooking and his publishing company. He did not need college to succeed like Amarel and Elke, but the women definitely make education a big part of their lives. These are just two different views these people have. In a way, Sushil was teaching the people in the cabs about his country and his beliefs, just as the two teachers teacher their students. Sushil does not mention how education is portrayed in India, but according to Amarel and Elke teachers are very well respected and getting an education is very highly though of. The two teachers were not sure they wanted to stay in New York or go back home and teach. In the end, they did both want to stay. Amarel concludes with, â€Å"I’ve gotten accustomed to these kids. The Lord brought me here for something. I am not yet sure what it is. I know now if I hate to, I could teach anywhere. But I’d like to teach here again next year if I can† (Lehrer/ Sloan, 57). Elke concludes with, â€Å"Teaching is a calling. If you do it just for the money you won’t last. Especially in New York. Some of the teachers look at me like I’m nuts whenever I talk with great enthusiasm for teaching† (Lehrer/ Sloan, 61). This show that both teachers are now getting used to the idea that they can help these students and teach them to respect teachers more. They both succeeded in the end. Sushil also succeeded even though he did not go to college and education was not a part of his life. He was starting to make dinners for his friend and all his friends. Then Sushil and his friend started up a publishing company together. That proved he did not need a professional education. He was poetic and creative and that made him a success.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Is It Possible to Have a Prejudice Free Society Essay

Is It Possible to Have a Prejudice Free Society - Essay Example It is human behaviour to simply distrust or dislike someone and such simple latent feelings often convert into sharp hatred, making people form strong assumptions and theories about why they are prejudiced against others. Such hatred often even causes people to cause others injury and thus is only a matter of attitude within a person’s conscience. The fact of the matter remains - whether or not the society we live in can be free of prejudice at some point. When children are born, their minds are free of all kinds of thought; they usually soak in all the positivity from the environment around them as they are sheltered under the wings of their family members. However, with time, as they begin interacting with different parts of the society, they are taught ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ according to their family members. This causes a change in their attitudes and thus makes them take certain choices which may portray the growing level of prejudice that they feel for other people. Many people have been raised in a way so as to hate other groups of people; for example the shudra caste in olden India was said to be a group of untouchable people whom no one would interact with or even touch for fear of being heralded with sins. However, as the freedom movement gained momentum, leaders like B.R Ambedkar began educating society about how these people were also children of God and deserved a free right to life among other people. They could not be shunned without any reason, without having committed a serious crime or being a grave danger to the other people. In Europe and America, most white skinned people were prejudiced against people belonging to different races; black or brown skinned people were frowned down upon and given the status of slaves. They were supposed to serve their white masters and were stripped off various rights including using the same transport, eating at the same places as well as visiting the same places of worship. Case s of Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King have helped to define the border line for letting people give in to apartheid and accept such discrimination and prejudice caused against people belonging to different races. Today, there are a number of reforms and laws laid down that have helped to abolish such practices all over the world. With time, more and more people have been educated about living together with differences and learning to accept another person’s thoughts, opinions and perspectives on living life. The world we live in has helped us expose each other to a plethora of new cultures and this gives people the hope that it is possible to live in a world free of prejudice at some point. This is because with time, gradually people are coming to an understanding and learning that every person is after all trying to live his own life and make a living for himself and his family. Every man is trying his best to provide for food, shelter and clothing. The basi c necessities of life are what is important for people to survive, not prejudice. Today, many people around the world have a problem with those practicing the religion of Islam because they feel that after the 9/11 attacks, all Muslims have a single goal of terrorism; however, with time, more and more people are coming to the realization that even Islam is a beautiful faith to follow and that the people following it are not doing

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Encryption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Encryption - Essay Example Chung takes V2 kL mod n1 received from Lilly and operates on it by exponentiation modulo n1 with kC to give V2 kLkC mod n1. He intends to use this as session key ks1C to encrypt his message to a client. Ks1C = V2 kLkC mod n1 = 37(127*234) mod 257 = 133 mod 257 Step 4 Lilly takes V1 kC mod n1 received from Chung and operates on it by exponentiation modulo n1 with kL to give V1 kCkL mod n1. She intends to use this as session key ks1L to attempt to decrypt Chung's message to a client. Ks1L = V1 kCkL mod n1 = 126(234*127) mod 257 = 252 mod 257 (b) If Chung and Lilly had both picked the value V4 for their parts of the key exchange using the method illustrated in part (a), the result would be a session key of 192. Complete Table A4 to show how a session key ks = 192 might be encrypted with the client's public key, and then decrypted by the client on receipt. Table A4 Encryption of the session key Step 1 The value for the session key ks supplied in Question 2 Part (b). ks =192 Step 2 The value for the modulus n2 supplied in Question 2 Part (b) n2 =26 Step 3 The value of the session key ks written as text ks expressed in text = one nine two Step 4 A suitable value for Tait's public key KT KT = 15 Step 5 The session key ks encrypted with Tait's public key KT. { ks} KT = C T: {R}ks, {ks}KT = CNINQNIZSC Step 6 __ A suitable value for Tait's private key KT __ KT =7 Step 7 The result of decrypting the encrypted session key __ using Tait's private key KT {{ks}KT}KT = ONENINETWO Question 3 Complete the following unfinished sections in the main body and appendix of the report printed in the appendix to this companion, and referred to in the 'Background for Questions...Today, the encryption process involves altering and rearranging bits of digital data using a systematic procedure that can be converted into a computer program. Encryption is a commonly used method for providing a certain degree of security in technology-based systems. Simple encryption methods include the substitution of letters for numbers, the rotation of letters in the alphabet or the "scrambling" of voice signals by inverting the sideband frequencies. The more complex methods use sophisticated computer algorithms that rearrange the data bits in digital signals. Data is converted into a series of numbers which are then used as input into calculations. The calculated results become the encrypted data (Case Resource). In 1976 the idea of public key encryption was introduced to the field of cryptography. The idea revolved around the premise of making the encryption and decryption keys different so that the sender and recipient need not know the same keys. The sender and the recipient will both have their own private key and a public key would be known by anyone. Each encryption or decryption process would require at least one public key and one private key ( 2008). Public key encryption techniques or asymmetric key systems avoid the need to distribute keys in secret. Symmetric key systems are those which allow the decryption process to be derived from the encryption key.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Poverty contributes to environmental degradation.Discuss Essay

Poverty contributes to environmental degradation.Discuss - Essay Example n which are often related to the altered global atmospheric condition such as global warming or the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), shortages of freshwater supply, biodiversity losses, enormous land degradation like deforestation, and the depletion of fisheries and agricultural resources also significantly increases. (McMichael, Patz, & Kovats, 1998; Flood, 1997) Most economists believe that global poverty arises from the widening of gap between the rich and the poor. Among the few well-know economic concepts that could explain the increase of inequality in terms of income distribution and work opportunities are capitalism and globalization. Under a capitalized economy, business people in general gather a group of laborers in exchange with minimum wage. Since businessmen could earn a large sum of profit out of the lower income population, the gap between the rich and the poor increases over time. The same theory applies with globalization except that rich businessmen aim to maximize their wealth by hiring low-income individuals living in developing countries. degradation. Not only does the use of modern technologies such as industrial machines, motor vehicles, and airplanes contribute to the increase in air and water pollution which could seriously damage not only the water ecology but also the atmosphere, forest, and land resources. As part of determining the relationship between poverty and environmental degradation, the student will first discuss the differences between renewable and non-renewable resources followed by identifying and analyzing the major factors that causes serious damage towards the environment. Based on these factors, the student will examine and thoroughly discuss whether or not poverty contributes to environmental degradation. When it comes to maintaining a well-balanced ecological sustainability, we need to know that there will always be a trade-offs between the utilization of our environmental and natural resources with the